777 fortune

海外, 主にシェリーの占いを翻訳しているよ。たまに占い以外も訳している。占いは蟹座だけだよ。

2/19〜 週間蟹座


As a Cancerian, you’re more attuned to the lunar cycle than most. While you’re coping with the ups and downs triggered by the current pair of eclipses, those around you aren’t. Obviously, you’re tempted to discuss this. Don’t. Instead, do lots of listening, be sympathetic but offer minimal advice. This may seem uncaring now but in this particular case, others need to learn for themselves.

2/12〜 週間双子座


Others frequently complain that you change plans and decisions, sometimes more than once. This is about juggling life’s ever-shifting options. Now the rest of the world is wrestling with events so dramatic they’re doing the same, but making a drama of it. Tempting as it is to mention it, and have a laugh, they’re unaccustomed to so many twists and turns so won’t see the humour.

2/12〜 週間蟹座


Between eclipses on Saturday the 11th and on 26 February, you and the world around you are in the midst of shakeups. While some involve elements of your daily or working life, others are about broadening your horizons. Unsettling as these seem initially, they’re worth exploring. At minimum, you’ll learn something but, what you discover and who you meet could, ultimately, be nothing short of magical.

2/8 双子座


If ever you could use a last minute opportunity, it’s now. While the actual link between the Sun and the fortunate Jupiter isn’t until this weekend, the odds are good you’re already benefitting from hints of what’s to come. Explore absolutely everything. Ideas and offers this good appear only rarely.

2/8 蟹座


Every Full Moon brings both feelings and practical matters to a head. While the next one doesn’t actually take place until the weekend, it’s an eclipse, which means you may already be experiencing some of the shakeups it’s triggering. If so, be aware these aren’t just natural, they’re timely.

2/7 双子座


Recent plans are coming undone but, actually, it’s a relief. Either these were put together swiftly, so are unstable, or you were in such a hurry you made unwise compromises. Take advantage of these changes not only to rethink arrangements, but to consider whether you want to be involved at all.

2/7 蟹座


With both the Sun and Mercury in the portion of your chart that has to do with joint ventures, this is no time to try to do things solo. This is all about working together. In fact, those who you don’t usually spend much time with could be fantastic, if temporary, allies.