777 fortune

海外, 主にシェリーの占いを翻訳しているよ。たまに占い以外も訳している。占いは蟹座だけだよ。

8/13〜 週間蟹座 双子座



Once you understand this is a period of dramatic change and growth, you’ll welcome even chaotic events, knowing they’re breaking up old patterns and leading to much needed breakthroughs. For now, however, stick to exploration. With eclipses on the 7th and 21st, life’s about both personal insights and discovering what the world’s offering you. Turning those into organised plans will happen, but probably not until early September.




Usually the period when your ruler Mercury is retrograde, from today until 5 September, is about personal indecision, errors and misunderstandings. However, with August’s two eclipses shaking things up anyway, what you learn in the process of untangling these could be both revealing and lead to powerful insights about existing arrangements and plans you’re currently making. In every case, ensure they can be easily changed.

8月 蟹座 双子座



Being ruled by the Moon, you’re especially conscious of influence of the lunar cycle on both events and everybody’s mood, your own and others’. Yet not only do August’s two eclipses, on 7 and 21 August, intensify feelings, they’re about turning points. Unsettling as this seems, you’ll welcome most changes, if only because they’ll enable you to break away from restrictive, if reassuring, situations. These will lead to progress, but you won’t know how until mid September at the earliest. 




Usually you’re the first to spot new trends and discuss them with those who’re in the know. However, with your ruler Mercury retrograde from 13 August until 5 September, you’ll be short of facts and unsure of your priorities. Still, seek out gathering vital information, then discuss your insights with others. State your views, explaining you’re no more sure of the outcome than anybody else. Having clarified that, make a joint effort to explore changes in existing arrangements and future plans.

8/6〜 週間蟹座 双子座



Being ruled by the Moon, you’ve an instinctive sense of its power and, equally, the changes events such as Monday’s lunar eclipse usher in. While they’re as unsettling for you as everybody else, you’re also aware once those feelings pass, you’ll have made progress and, in the process, left behind elements of your life you’ve long suspected need to become part of the past.




While there’ll be complaints about unexpected developments, both in the world around you and in existing plans with others, you sense a pattern forming. You’re right, although it’s unlikely things will come together for some weeks yet. Between frequent changes in circumstances and your ruler Mercury retrograde from Sunday, the 13th, until 5 September, every day will offer something new, usually unexpected but also exciting.

7/30〜 週間蟹座 双子座



Once you accept the fact that there’s no avoiding certain issues involving close ties, in your personal or working life, you’ll encourage them to organise their thoughts and stand up for themselves. However, stop there, as these really are theirs to resolve. Meanwhile, you’ve certainly more personal dramas, involving somebody who owes you, to deal with. They’ve become pressing. Make tackling these your top priority.




Chatting with those in the world around you about existing arrangements, future plans and, more importantly, what you’re optimistic about and what worries you is easy. Discussing these matters with those closest, whether it’s family or close work colleagues, is more challenging, mostly because they’ve heard all your concerns, and in detail. Despite that, they know and understand you, and nothing is more important than that.

7/23〜 週間蟹座 双子座



For ages you’ve brushed aside issues that involve what you earn or own. Equally, this is about defining what’s owed to you, in terms of favours as much as funds. While in some cases a simple reminder will do, in a few you’ll need to make it clear you won’t back down. Also, state your expectations clearly, and ensure those involved realise you won’t be giving up.




Decisions about shifts in elements of your lifestyle are now pressing. You’ve been discussing this for ages. Finally you undertake these, to discover that what would have worked only recently no longer makes sense. Actually, that’s fine. For now, explore your options, knowing that as changes unfold over the coming weeks, your objectives will shift just as much as the actual circumstances you’re dealing with.

7/16〜 週間蟹座 双子座



Obviously you’d prefer ongoing and often tedious practical or personal issues be resolved swiftly. Yet the ground on which these are based is shifting, and will continue to until after August’s two eclipses, on the 7th and 21st. So use this period to examine, reflect on and change old, and occasionally, unproductive patterns. Thinking about and doing things differently could enrich you, and in many ways.




Although you’ve learnt a huge amount about using your resources, that is, your money, efforts, time and even ideas more wisely, it’s been hard work and, often, dull. While, understandably, you’re seeking a little excitement, it’ll have to wait until after the 20th, when the planetary focus shifts to such matters. Until then, tackle those last few tedious but productive issues. You’ll be glad you did.

7/9〜 週間蟹座 双子座



When you first decided to sidestep perplexing issues, they weren’t that important but, even more, you had no idea how to deal with them. Now, not only are these matters common knowledge, there’s considerable confusion about facts versus falsehoods. While raising these won’t be easy, it’s better than taking a chance others will believe some of the tall tales being told by certain individuals.




Between the current powerful planetary focus in the wise use of your resources, which accents everything from your ideas and contacts to your money, and today’s emotionally unsettling Full Moon, you’re wrestling with a number of issues. Urgent as these seem, for now, focus on talking over your intentions, with an eye to ensuring those who matter know what you have in mind. Everything else can wait.