777 fortune

海外, 主にシェリーの占いを翻訳しているよ。たまに占い以外も訳している。占いは蟹座だけだよ。

8/19〜 週間蟹座 双子座



After a bumpy period with seemingly endless twists and turns, you’re ready for a break. You’ll get it. Not only has the recent cycle of unsettling eclipses come to an end, you’re benefiting from the current amazingly benevolent planetary setup. This promises both surprise offers and unexpected good fortune. Explore everything, since what seems unappealing now could turn into something remarkable, and possibly even overnight.




True, it would be much easier if the day your ruler Mercury’s retrograde cycle ends, which is on Sunday the 19th, suddenly everything would go smoothly. But it’s bound to take time for some of the resulting errors or misunderstandings to surface. Bizarrely, what you learn in the process of untangling those difficulties will prove so informative that you’ll find yourself feeling grateful they arose.