777 fortune

海外, 主にシェリーの占いを翻訳しているよ。たまに占い以外も訳している。占いは蟹座だけだよ。

5/21〜 週間 蟹座 双子座



While there’s been talk of rethinking elements of your domestic or working life, suddenly those plans have turned into action. This is as exciting as it is worrying, especially when it comes to the many details you’ll have to deal with. Forget about trying to organise these yourself. Get others involved. They’ve good ideas and are eager to give you a hand, but you must ask.




Everybody seems confident how both recent exciting events and your own arrangement should be handled but, irritatingly, nobody’s asking about your views. The input of others is vital but because it’s unlikely your mind, or potential plans, will be clear until after the Gemini New Moon, on the 25th. Consequently, for now your priority is exploration. You’ll make decisions but probably not until early June.

5/14〜 週間蟹座 双子座



While events are turning elements of your life upside down, your instincts reassure you these are much needed breakthroughs, if in disguise. With changes continuing until late May, you need only show interest, not finalise anything. Knowing that, you can safely explore even far out ideas or offers. For now, consider every option. Plans will come together, but probably not until well into the month of June.




Usually planning ahead is a virtue but judging by the coming two weeks’ planetary activity, what’s least expected could be a springboard to something amazing or lead you into unfamiliar territory. Or both. However, since the swift pace prevents making lasting plans, view all arrangements as tentative, if not an experiment. Initially others will complain but they’ll soon join you in exploring these exciting developments.

5/7〜 週間蟹座 双子座



When you learn good fortune is promised, your mind will probably go to certain long cherished plans or recent offers. But the events or opportunities in question are likely to be new and, as important, beyond your control. Thus, they’ll broaden your horizons, in terms of your life, activities or the people involved, and in wonderful ways. Act now. Some will vanish as swiftly as they arose.




Since early April, when your ruler Mercury went retrograde, you’ve dealt with all sorts of twists and turns, some minor, others more significant. However, now that Mercury’s moving forward, you can trust the events triggered by its powerful but less complicated alliances to inventive Uranus and Saturn. Proceed with optimism. You’ll soon discover that what’s coming your way merits exactly that, if not serious celebration.

5月 蟹座 双子座



Relaxing when you’re anxious about pivotal elements of your life isn’t easy. Yet your instincts say all is well, and you need only be patient. Besides, a range of wonderful events, some personal, a few involving others or pursuits, and all of which mean a lot to you, are developing wonderfully, if its own way. Here, too, there are no guarantees. But, bizarrely, you worry less about these than those practicalities. Have faith. Between now and late June, it will be justified.





Usually you thrive on the unexpected. But with your ruler Mercury retrograde from 9 April until 3 May, even you will be seeking stability, in plans and unsettled relationships. This will come. First, you’ve lots of questions to ask. Some are about resolving recent issues but as many involve future plans. Explore everything, including ideas or activities you regard as dull. Once they were. But with new and more appealing options appearing each week, life’s about discovery. Arrangements? Ensure they’re flexible.

4/30〜 週間蟹座 双子座



Obviously life would be easier if changes you’ve discussed at length could be turned into plans, and those plans into action. Yet judging by the powerful planetary activity that reaches back to early April and extends until mid-May, the actual circumstances you’re dealing with are as unsettled as they are promising. If you must make arrangements, ensure they’re flexible but, ideally, you’ll keep things loose.




The past weeks, since your ruler Mercury went retrograde on 9 April, have been as unsettling as they’ve been informative. However, judging by the swift pace, you’ve had little opportunity to reflect on those insights and won’t until Wednesday, when it resumes forward motion. Still, take it slowly. It may not be until well into May that you recognise what, and who, is of greatest significance.



4/23〜 週間 蟹座 双子座



Knowing where you stand, both in terms of ongoing obligations and future plans, is a relief. But during periods of growth, such as this is, it can mean you ignore ideas or offers that are well worth investigating. While, obviously, you can’t pursue everything, what you learn from what you don’t do will prove hugely helpful now and, even more as the month of May unfolds.




When making decisions, you sidestep restrictive arrangements that would prevent you meeting people and exploring exciting new ideas. Yet with Mars, planet of action and focus, now arrived in Gemini, and remaining until early June, you’ll be examining existing goals and exploring new ones. Commit, but in such a way that when intriguing new options arise, as they will, you can easily rethink things.

4/16〜 週間蟹座 双子座



This is a week of unsettling events and discussions. Worrying as that sounds, you’ll be tackling tricky but minor issues, and not only putting them to rest but learning from them. Many go back ages, and as you wrestle with these, you’ll realise there are better ways to approach them and similar situations. Equally, resist the temptation to finalise arrangements, as these changes will continue.




Having been born under the most inquisitive sign of the zodiac, you thrive on unexpected changes and new ideas. Yet even you could be overwhelmed, mostly by what’s on its way out, often with nothing solid or inspiring in sight. Be patient. This is clearing the way for the powerful cycle of personal review and change that begins with Mars’s move into Gemini on the 21st.