777 fortune

海外, 主にシェリーの占いを翻訳しているよ。たまに占い以外も訳している。占いは蟹座だけだよ。

7月 蟹座 双子座



There’s long been talk of changes in your domestic or working life. During recent months you’ve discussed, if not explored, options. July is about action. Things begin to happen, although with eclipses, especially the Cancer solar eclipse on 13 July, and the two that follow, triggering shakeups, life’s more about exploration and responding to unexpected events or offers than making a single, lasting, plan. The trick? Keep your vision and any arrangements flexible, ensuring whatever you organise can be rethought, probably more than once.




Obviously, you enjoy hearing what others are up to. But their intriguing plans and dramas could take over your life. The trick? Listen, enough to learn from their experiences, then focus on dealing with your own unsettling events and, equally, intriguing offers. Explore what interests you. However, with the swift pace, both short term plans and your priorities will evolve, so ensure arrangements are flexible. What seems your best option will shift regularly, too, probably well into late August. By then, your direction will be clear.

7/1〜 週間蟹座 双子座



Life would be a lot easier if you could make future plans. Or so you think. Actually, the more flexible both your arrangements and your thinking are, between now and the potentially life-changing Cancer eclipsed New Moon, on the 13th, the better positioned you’ll be to take advantage of the breakthroughs it promises. Some will be no surprise, but others will be as unexpected as they are thrilling.




Since the pivotal Gemini New Moon, in mid-June, you’ve remade decisions several times. While each incorporated worthwhile ideas, you’ll soon need to settle on something lasting. You will, but probably not until next week, when powerful planetary indicates that unruly plans will be decided and, equally, indecisive individuals will finally commit, and properly. Better yet, you’ll finally be able to think about the future.

6/24〜 週間蟹座 双子座



Obviously, having to stand your ground or confront tricky individuals isn’t easy. Yet each experience or encounter offers insights, not just about the actual situation in question but about similar, and perplexing, past situations. Better yet, what you learn from this analysis will be informative during the coming dynamic, if unsettling, weeks, a cycle that climaxes with the potentially life-changing Cancer eclipsed New Moon on 13 July.




Few things annoy you more than dealing with unimaginative people or restrictive rules and regulations. However, that’s exactly what you’re facing and, unlikely as it seems, they’re in your best interests. Either they’ll force you to focus on certain matters you’ve been ignoring, or what you learn while battling them will broaden your horizons, and in amazing ways. The more inquisitive you are, the more you’ll learn.

6/17〜 週間蟹座 双子座



Although you’re entering an expansive cycle, for now, your time is best invested in dealing with certain as yet unsettled issues. Some are recent, others go back for ages, many seem minor. But left unresolved, each could distract you when you need to focus on the amazing events promised by the coming months’ powerful planetary activity. Regard dealing with these as an investment in your future.




Most Geminis have a well-earned reputation for being easygoing about even disruptive changes. Yet certain rather tricky individuals and, equally, the developments you’re dealing with all demand you handle matters with a firm hand. This will be easier for everybody. First, many are unsure what’s best. But, even more, as you’re now recognising, you’re far better informed than most of those around you.

6/10〜 週間蟹座 双子座



For weeks you’ve been dealing with changes and new ideas, many sudden and a few unexpected, and you’ve learnt a lot. While most of that investigation has been discreet, Tuesday’s move by the communication planet Mercury into Cancer shifts the focus to more forthright questioning and discussion. Decisions? They can and should wait for a few weeks, until your mind’s clearer and you’re better informed.




Although Wednesday’s New Moon is about a fresh start for every sign, it’s in Gemini, so means this is a sort of personal New Year. Take advantage of this opportunity to review what works but needs improvement, what could change and, especially, what could go. For now, focus on the big picture. While you’ll need to attend to details, they can wait until plans are clearer.

6/3〜 週間蟹座 双子座



The past weeks’ developments may have been unsettling. But your instincts correctly suggest they’re breaking up old patterns and, in doing so, encouraging you to explore new ways of working, living or certain activities. While getting things settled would be a relief, your own priorities are shifting. In fact, things may not be settled until mid-July’s Cancer eclipsed New Moon. After that, everything will be clear.




Understandably, being unable to fully understand the nature and direction of changes is frustrating. However, this confusion is preparation for the Gemini New Moon, on the 13th, which constitutes a sort of personal new year. For now, therefore, focus on where changes are needed or what might go. This ensures you’ll be ready to deal with the often surprising ideas and offers that appear in mid-June.

6月 蟹座 双子座



If it seems you’re constantly changing if not eliminating plans, some long term, it’s no surprise. Equally, you’re probably decluttering your life of possessions but, also, of burdensome relationships, personal and professional. While often challenging, letting go is also a relief. Better yet, having less on your mind frees you to explore intriguing encounters and new ideas. Some you’ll embrace immediately but you’re unsure about others. Don’t rush. Things will come together around mid-July’s Cancer New Moon. Until then, focus on exploring absolutely everything.




Exciting if unsettling events during May’s second half mean that, as you begin the month of June, you’ll be overwhelmed with intriguing ideas and eagerly exploring far-reaching changes. Gather facts, then discuss your ideas. However, sidestep fixed commitments until you’re benefitting from the insights, personal and in terms of your priorities, triggered by the Gemini New Moon, on the 13th. While that might mean abandoning recent passions, it also means that what, and who, comes first then will continue to take priority in your life.